Friday, August 19, 2005

My First Blog - a little about me...

Hi there!

Welcome to my photography blog!!!

This site is for - you guessed it - my photography!

And anything else photography, art or beauty related that I think might be interesting!! :)


This is my first posted photo... a romantic wedding photo!

Done a few years ago, while still at "the Corporation," Caralee and Shane were - and are - a great couple.

They were so easy to photograph... and so obviously in love! I wish all my clients were like these two! :)


And now, a little about me...

First of all, I'm not only a photographer - I'm an artist. I've been painting and photographing life since I was a small child. I started, in fact, at age 2, by painting with anything I could get my hands on. I liked the walls, though oddly enough, my parents didn't.

I took photography in University, knowing I wanted to blend my photography and painting in my career somehow. Though, at the time I doubted I could "make it" as an artist. Just for fun, I also tried sculpture, printmaking, furniture design, set and costume design, and dance, among other things. I even worked in the theatre designing sets and costumes for awhile in Alberta, which I totally enjoyed. I've done quite a few things as jobs in the attempt to make a paycheck work for me.

However, it was only after a too long stint at a large corporation that I realized I didn't care if I "made it" in the traditional sense of a fancy office and big paycheck, and decided that to really make a difference in the world, I had to follow my passions in life.

While at this large corporation, I kept up my artwork, though part time. After 8 years with this company being "successful" in many people's eyes, but more unhappy by the year in mine, I got an injury at work, and was forced to take some time off to heal.

While healing, I found I had lost some of my ability to do the creative work I used to take for granted.

This actually turned out to be a good thing, because it scared the heck out of me. I realized I could lose my gift. I also realized my priorities in life had taken a detour that I didn't like. Since I could not go back to the place I had worked at before, I decided to try and replan what I'd do for my future.

I realized I needed my art and my creative self. And the journey back to my photography was born. I think it'll be a lifelong process - if I am to make sure I am focused on my passion in life...

"Creating and Capturing Timeless Beauty"


Comments and questions are welcome on this site, and are appreciated! :)

Thanks for stopping by!

To contact Karen for a portrait sitting:

E-mail her at

Proud member of PPOC and PPABC (Professional Photographers of Canada and B.C.)


Blogger Rodt said...

Nice photography Karan.
Perhaps you'll put up some of your other art as well.
You might also enjoy some of the pictures on my own blog.

6:24 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have a lot of pictures

4:24 p.m.  

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